December 9, 2015

Exploring Abundance with the Law of Attraction.

Lauren McKinnon/Flickr

“All that we are is a result of what we have thought.”
~ Buddha

I remember a time when my reaction to a conversation about the Law of Attraction consisted of a lot of eye rolling and drawn-out yawns. I didn’t “get it”—as my teenage self would say—and what I could grasp seemed simplistic and unrealistic.

How could you attract certain things in life by merely thinking about them? In a time where my teachers were preaching ,”Action speaks louder than words,” I thought practicing the Law of Attraction, and more specifically, the law of attracting abundance, was a complete waste of time.

It wasn’t until my back was up against a financial wall and my health was on the decline earlier this year that I readily chose to take on the practice of attracting abundance through mindful intention.

It’s ironic how most of us fail to pray till we’re actually at death’s door. This would prove to be another lesson learned: practice gratitude and abundance all of the time, not just when I’m especially feeling lack in my life.

Prior to this practice I was commuting long distances for work, teaching yoga all over the map, nursing a painful neck, battling migraines, dealing with a ticking time bomb of a car and not making enough money to survive. I was below the poverty line, burnt out and ready to make real change in my life.

Thankfully yoga and meditation have been major players in my wellness toolkit for years, so I had the wherewithal to know that I needed to re-ground and go within.

I started taking my meditation practice much more seriously and made sure I was verbally expressing daily gratitude before, during and after each time my bum hit the pillow.

I also filled my inner cup with books about achieving an abundant mindset, surrounded myself with people who practiced this way of being, and stayed open to how my unique journey would unravel. Before I knew it, I could visualize what I wanted to have and feel in my life so vividly—it was as if I was already living that reality in a waking dream.

That’s the art of the Law of Attraction: we must be open and be in a state of allowing in order for our abundance to flow to us. We must practice and live from a place of already having and feeling all of the things we desire. That way, the Universe co-operates with us and gives us what we need and have created space for.

About a month into my abundance meditations I found an unmarked envelope under my apartment door with $300 in it—which later turned out to be a pay-it-forward gift from my neighbor. A week or two after that, my best friend offered up her incredible home for me to live in for the year. My phone started ringing off the hook with job offers and insane opportunities. Those were merely the tangibles.

As I continue to practice attracting abundance, there’s been more than financial shifts—I’m talking about profound spiritual growth.

Giving up my obsession with lack, not having enough and needing more, has given me the gift of freedom.

I am able to see that the Universe has my back—in fact it’s here for all of us, as long as we permit it. Allowing abundance to flow through me has brought about more of everything: more self-love, more love for others, more joy, more peace, more ease and more presence.

We don’t find abundance, for it exists already within us. We need only to reconnect to it and nurture it, one piece of gratitude at a time.


Relephant Reads:

Intention + Attention = Manifestation.

Author: Eryl McCaffrey

Apprentice Editor: Danica O’Connell / Editor: Renee Picard

Image: Lauren McKinnon/Flickr

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