June 11, 2019

3 Simple Reasons Why I Show Up to my Mat.


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Moving my body is an important part in taking care of my mind, body, and soul.

Whether it be going to the gym, walking around the block, or riding your bike, everybody should find something they love to keep their body active. My way is yoga.

Yoga might seem like the “easy way out” of exercising—let me tell you, yoga is difficult. It requires strength, balance, and determination. It not only strengthens your body, but it also strengthens your mind. The key to being a yogi is connecting the mind and breath, and then you can make anything happen!

My yoga teacher once asked the class, “What made you show up to your mat this morning?”

A million thoughts raced through my mind before I came up with three simple reasons why I show up to my mat:

1. To move my body.

Three years ago, I couldn’t even climb my feet up the wall. Now, I am doing headstands in the middle of the room. It is amazing how hard work pays off.

Watching my youngest baby grow was my motivation. I watched how slowly he developed and realized if I put forth a little effort every day just like him, I would one day crawl then walk—or stand upside down, in this case.

Moving your body a little bit each day will produce results that you will be proud of.

2. To connect to my breath.

Everyone needs a second to breathe and to connect to their breath. Life gets crazy and I find myself running around more often than not. It is hard to find time for yourself, but yoga gives me the time that I need. All I have to do is show up and I find myself at peace right away.

When life gets tough, I breathe through it instead of reacting. I subconsciously hear my breath getting deeper and fuller and then realize I am taking my focus away from what is making my heart race and focusing on how to bring that energy down, before reacting.

3. To set my intention and practice gratitude.

Life is so much more interesting when you set weekly goals for yourself and stick to them! I attend a class each Monday where I set my intention for the week. The following Monday, I see if I was able to complete my goal. It’s a really great feeling when I do!

My coach suggests we have two personal goals and two business goals every month. Showing up to my mat and sealing my intentions and goals with breath and movement make them that much more achievable. Ending class by reciting by gratitude statements leaves me feeling positive and rejuvenated!

I started going to yoga classes consistently three years ago, and it has changed my life for the better. I am stronger mentally and physically because of it. The stronger I am, the deeper I am able to connect to magic and miracles that I am creating.

I don’t show up with any expectations or pressure. I do this for me. Sometimes, I show up and am in Child’s pose the whole time, but you know what? It’s my practice and I get to honor my body! I am grateful for yoga. I am grateful for my body. I am forever grateful for what it has taught me.

Without yoga, I don’t know what else I would do to move my body and calm my mind in a way that I love. It has become a home to me.

Give yoga a try. It might give you your own reasons to show up to your mat each week!


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Shilamida Kupershteyn  |  Contribution: 4,420

author: Shilamida Kupershteyn

Image: Author's own

Image: Author's own

Editor: Naomi Boshari

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