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June 24, 2022

Democracy Is Dead. See You In The Streets At 5.

Photo by Andrew McMurtrie on Pexels.

“A revolution is coming — a revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate enough — but a revolution which is coming whether we will it or not. We can affect its character; we cannot alter its inevitability.”


I want to talk about the power of peaceful protest but I can’t right now. I don’t feel peaceful. I feel a blinding anger that is displaying it’s self as uncontrollable tears at the moment. Anyone who has ever experienced a woman’s angry tears knows what come next. And it is rarely peaceful.

Those tears are morphing into words which will soon turn into action. Protests have already been planned across the country, knowing that this day would come. I will be in front of the courthouse in my community at 5 p.m. I hope that you will take your angry tears and join me.

I hope that it will be peaceful. Anger and frustration about having basic human rights taken away are rarely that. We have seen it many times in this country. Rarely, though, has it been about rights that we have already fought for and rightfully won fifty years ago.

We can’t go backwards. We won’t go back. The rights to make decisions about our own bodies always has and always will belong to us. Many fought, went to jail and even died for these rights not to be a criminal offense.

There was a promise made to us, a guarantee in 1973, and that promise became a part of the United States Constitution. This document has been held up as the sacred law that rules our democracy. This reversal of a woman’s right to choose is the same as saying it is okay to pull out the things you don’t like and only stand by the things you do like- such as “the right to bear arms”.

This act nullifies the sacredness of this document.

This puppet court, in one motion, has ended our great American experiment.

See you in the streets at 5 p.m. I pray it will be peaceful but angry tears of frustration will be present and it is not what we wanted. This fight is inevitable, it is here and we must show up for it.

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