September 7, 2017

“Yesterday a woman came through our stand upset, we hooked her up with her drink on us. Today, we received this.”

If a picture is worth a thousand words, well, this picture is of a letter full of words of beauty, and heart.

To the Tues. Sep.5th morning staff,

You all are too good for this world.

Imagine finding out that your boyfriends has a massively pregnant wife that you knew nothing about. Imagine getting zero hours of sleep because you know you have to work with him and see his stupid, cheating, lying, stupid, freaking face – all day.

you probably just want some coffee to get you through that, right?

Now imagine going to your favorite coffee spot, ordering your favorite drink, having the team listen to your stupid problems, tell you that you’re sure as shit too good for fuckboys like that, make sure that your drink is the best damn white coffee kicker you’ve ever had, then tell you it’s free.

I ugly cried the whole way to work. That was literally the most you could have done for me and I am so grateful for your kindness.

I’m sorry I busted out in tears when you were nice to me. Please accept this seed paper as an apology and grow love with it.

“Still and all, why bother? Here’s my answer. Many people need desperately to receive this message: ‘I feel and think much as you do, care about many of the things you care about, although most people do not care about them. You are not alone.’” ~ Vonnegut 

“You know, you can steel your heart against any kind of trouble, any kind of horror. But the simple act of kindness from a complete stranger will unstitch you.”

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