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April 17, 2019

Free Agency and the $600.00 Reading

There once was a woman who went to a renowned psychic to get a reading.

She paid $600.00 for 60 minutes, which she put on her credit card. She would be paying off the balance in several months, as she was like a lot of us, she made ends meet, but she was careful with her financial outlay. After all, $600.00 would be a lot of money for anyone- even for most everyday things.

There were questions that she had and the more time went on, the more she felt the need to get clarity for them.

That was when she found the psychic’s website.

A week before she committed and paid for the reading, she had gone on the website and was impressed with the reader’s spiritual values and decided that there would be trust with this person- she had sincerity, plus celebrity status.

The day of the appointment came, the payment was made, and the Client had made a list of questions that were of great importance to her. She sat her cell phone on the table along with the list and nervously looked at the clock.

The psychic did contact her in a timely manner- the call was punctual and she was very congenial, very pleasant.

However, the reading did not start out as the woman had hoped (or planned). In spite of the psychic’s friendly manner, she started in with a general reading and what questions the client could get in, the psychic seemed to guess rather than “see”. In fact, the psychic asked more questions than the woman and was starting to flail as the woman became silently upset with herself for having gone through with this.

At this point the woman was watching very closely and then started to ask questions with a purpose- just to see how accurate this psychic really was. She asked questions about things that she already knew the answers to and Ha! Caught! The psychic was not accurate- not in her estimation!

Unfortunately, the psychic had both a disclaimer and an agreement that no money would be refunded (which is true of most psychics- they have fulfilled their part of the agreement by completing the reading and they state in their disclaimer that they can have a certain rate of inaccuracy for some readings).

The reading ended, the call disconnected, and the woman sat there in disbelief! Not only did the psychic give her wrong answers to the questions she had purposely asked, but the rest of the time they gave her information that was vague and didn’t make a whole lot of sense.

She was beside herself and highly embarrassed – too embarrassed to even call her card company and stop payment. If this had been a $35.00 reading or even a $50.00 reading, she may have been a lot less upset, but this was $600.00 that she would be paying on for several months!

Anyone would be in the same predicament with this situation- unable to get a refund because of the agreement up front and the embarrassment as an aftermath.

The majority of this story is true- now the part about how the woman found the psychic and the payment method for the $600.00 may have been different, but I used a likely scenario. The customer could have very well saved up or had savings, but $600.00… is $600.00. No way around that. How she found the psychic? Could have just happened like I said, or she found an advertisement or TV commercial or even a referral from a friend!

The point is, from my viewpoint, as someone who does clairvoyant readings for a living, this was all so very wrong- a bad mix of ingredients for a bad outcome!

The psychic didn’t mind- she got her $600.00, but if she looked close enough, she could also see where the woman left her a bad review- one that not only could give her a black eye, but others who do this type of work as well.

What was wrong with this? Well, first off, the cost of the reading was outrageously high.

The length, an hour- way too long. (As someone who does readings, I encourage my clients to do specific questions and with past experience, I do not read for them for more than 20 minutes. There is no reason that I should not be able to answer their questions within that time frame).

With the money this reader was charging, she should not have, in my opinion, done a general reading (otherwise known as a “cold reading” where no questions are asked or information volunteered by the client).

Like it or not, the majority of psychics (including myself) read off of people’s energy fields. When someone is upset or on edge, things can get murky. Ever try to find that coin you dropped in the murky pond? That’s how easy it is to be able to look in that person’s energy field. Hard to do!

But have the client open up and ask their questions, and their energy field opens to the psychic. All of this- on an energy level.

So, when the client got upset and started doing the “test the psychic” routine, she was closing off the information that would allow the psychic to answer her questions. By doing what she was doing, she was literally hiding the answers from the psychic with her energy field, even though she was hoping the psychic would be accurate. She was blocking the psychic’s ability to see.

There is one more issue with this scenario and that has to do with the cold reading. The information the psychic saw and gave the client could very well have been accurate, but at a future time, in a setting that would not make sense in the present. By the time this information came to light, the client very well may have forgotten it. Or…with free agency which we all have, the players in the scenario could have changed the course of the situation by changing their actions and therefore, the outcome.

I hope that this article has provided you with insight beyond the basic story and why some things can happen with readings.

Good psychics go by what they see- not guesswork, and charge reasonable rates. They do not “cast spells” nor do they manipulate their clients with flattery to squeeze as many minutes as they can out of a reading that is charged by the minute.

The client should reasonably expect to know how long they have and what they are going to be charged going into the reading and know what the psychic’s disclaimer states.

Above all, I highly encourage the client to insist on specific questions and to be the one holding the reins during the reading. It is their time and their money.

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