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July 13, 2021

Is it possible to dissolve the ego completely? If yes, how can this benefit somebody’s life?

We all human beings have experienced pain and misery at some point. Now, we may blame it on people or circumstances, but the fact is that the root cause of all suffering is our own ego, nobody else.

If the ego is this problematic, is it possible to dissolve the ego completely?

Well, the answer is – yes! It is indeed possible to dissolve the ego completely, slowly but surely.


By understanding the Truth about ourselves i.e. through Self-Realization.

And what is this Truth?

That ‘I am a pure Soul!’ When we have this Self-Realization, the ego is gone.

How does this happen?

Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan, an enlightened being explains, “The Ego is such that even after thousands of lifetimes, it will not go away. But where there is the Great One (Viraat svaroop), He takes away our egoism. Viraat svaroop is One in whom there isn’t the slightest of intellect, not even a drop of intellect. Such Great One can remove your ego as easily as letting the air out of an inflated tyre.”

Param Pujya Dadashri further elaborates, “Only he whose ego is completely gone can take away other person’s ego. And he is called the Great one (Viraat Purush)…. One who takes away the ego of other people is a Viraat Purush. He is an Enlightened One (Gnani). He is a true giant amongst us.”

When ego is dissolved completely, how can this benefit our life?

Param Pujya Dadashri explains, “To do darshan of a Great one (Viraat) means to recognize a Gnani. In reality, who can be called a true Viraat? It is someone who can devour our ego. He who annihilates our ego to pieces, is called a Viraat! And what is the result (benefit) of that? He also transforms us into a Viraat!”

The biggest benefit that we get to experience when ego is dissolved is that no pain or suffering can affect us anymore; neither any pain in the body affects us nor the suffering originating from some insult or bad treatment that may be meted out to us. In the awareness of ‘I am a Pure Soul’ given to us by Gnani, we do not feel any misery even when the circumstances in life may be quite miserable. By following the words taught by Gnani, be it any situation, we are able to maintain equanimity.

When one maintains equanimity (without new attachment nor abhorrence), one does not bind new karma – such is the principle. Thereafter, when all old karmas also finish, the Soul is liberated. Thus, when ego is dissolved completely, the ultimate benefit that anybody attains is liberation from the cycle of birth and death, which means one does not have to take new life anymore! This is the benefit of the highest order!

As discussed above, only a Gnani, the Enlightened One, can grace us with Self-Realisation!

In this day and age, it is very difficult to find a Gnani. But fortunately, the path of Akram Vignan, as propounded by Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan, has made available to us the liberating knowledge of the Tirthankaras that will eventually lead to moksha through the medium of the Living Gnani!

So, come, let’s go to Gnani at the earliest, and from Him attain Self-Realization, so that we too can achieve this benefit of ultimate liberation from all sufferings, from all karmas, from the cycle of birth and death forever, and remain in our abode of eternal bliss (the Pure Soul)!

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