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February 27, 2022

Love is Love, is Love…

Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels.

The following is dedicated to a sweet and dear friend who is the embodiment of love and compassion. We all have those friends that remind us of what love is all about. Such friends remain true no matter the distance between.

We are human beings and being is essential.

We are also love.

We are all unique expressions both in conscious and physical form.

The complex nature of our species and possibly humanity’s greatest downfall may be our cognitive functions and overthinking minds.

Humans tend to make sense of everything and this includes human bonds and connections.

Reflecting today I am reminded by friends that love is love.

I offer you this for your reflection.

Let us rise up and expand in loving consciousness. Let us be the change we so wish to see.

Let us open our hearts and calm our restless minds.

Breathe deeply and read on.

Love arrives without pretense or prejudice.

Perfect without revisions.

Love expands and rises.

Love lifts us higher.

This is the ultimate expression of selflessness.

Love is timeless and ageless.

Real love is not limited by limitations or design.

This love looks past differences of culture, religion, status and with open eyes for love sees the same light within all people.

Love is Love.

This Love is everything you have ever wanted and everything that you deserve. It is already here all you need to do is open up and let love in.

Love fearlessly,


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