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August 16, 2022

Dealing with Emotional Exhaustion

So many of us are dealing with feelings of emotional exhaustion. It’s an energetic state with very real consequences for our mental health and general wellbeing.

We can find ourselves putting up with shit situations or environments just because there is no emotional energy left to stand up for ourselves or instigate change.

Connecting with our sense of joy or even a general sense of happiness seems way out of reach due to the numbness, defensiveness or resentment that infects all interactions with others when your emotional reserves are depleted.

You deserve better.

Some of the multitude of ways emotional exhaustion can be triggered are:

  •  A traumatic event or childhood
  •  Grief – no matter how long ago or recent
  •  Being burdened with an enormous mental load via a hectic work and/or family life
  •  Stress, anxiety, depression
  •  Bullying
  •  Dealing with sudden, unexpected change
  •  Loneliness
  •  Any one or combination of the above and many other ways too

There is often an element of shock or wearing down involved in the by-no-means-comprehensive list above. You may have tried to sort this crap out, though to do so on your own can be difficult.

Changing this current state of exhaustion into a reconnection with the much brighter and vibrant version of you is possible and it’s easier than you think.

Energy work, in its many formats, has more and more advocates these days as it approaches deeply personal problems from a different perspective.

During a session of Intuitive Energy clearing, my clients find a sense of comfort in having someone else tune into their often tangled mess of emotions and memories. Rather than having to explain how or why they’re feeling low, I am able to reduce the feelings of overwhelm.

There can be a sense of shame or bewilderment that you have not been able to ‘find your feet’ and get on with life, yet there is every chance you are feeling more and more weighed down by the issues as time has gone on. Confirmation that what you are feeling is palpable can be a relief.

The acknowledgment of what is being felt by someone (me) who Intuitively tunes in to such things offers up the opportunity to “unplug” these memories and feelings from the power they are draining from you. In a supportive environment, you are guided to rewire some emotional pathways so you can regain your emotional strength and resilience.

We are not simple creatures.

We cannot forget about any deeply emotional experience that has energetically wiped us out at some point. That feeling of constantly falling forward on the treadmill of life with no relief in sight.

We can find our way back to a sense of balance & alignment that we may not have noticed was missing. We force ourselves to keep up while our heart and soul begs for support that seems out of reach.

It’s not. You just may not have tried it yet.

Energy work, in its many different forms (Reiki, Crystal healing, Kinesiology, Sound therapy etc.) can be enormously beneficial to your energy and emotions. It can also be an extremely daunting proposition if you’ve never tried anything like this before.

There are some simple things to consider, if you are ready to try something weird (all this shit’s weird!).

  1. Choose a practitioner that resonates for you. This is a very personal choice, though word of mouth recommendation from someone you know and trust is great too.
  2. Go in with an open mind and remember you will only do what you are comfortable with. A good Energy worker/Intuitive healer will help you feel safe and nurtured.
  3. You do not need to flip any aspects of your life and become a mung bean chewing, organically clothed hippy to embrace the positive change that shifting your Energy brings. Your reconnection to the light, bright version of you is the only aim. Being able to get on and actually enjoy your best life is the intent.

If you’ve diligently tried the mainstream avenues of relieving your stress, is now a good opportunity to trial something new?

If you’ve had experience with this work in the past, is it time to try it again?

I would love for you to feel more like the life-embracing human you want to have the Energy to be.

This current version of you deserves as much love and attention from you as you give everyone else. Show yourself some love by being willing to try a different method of care and support.

You are worthy of that and so much more.

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