March 4, 2014

The Video that Helped me Foster Gratitude. ~ Marcee Murray King

Photo: GH Cheng/Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/ghcheng/12837934003/

In My World, Winter’s Lack of Sunshine Brings Gloominess.

Last winter, I met this head on, and decided that I would try something new.

I would foster gratitude in my life.

Each morning, I woke up, sat in front of my SAD lamp, and made myself write. I wrote what I was grateful for from the day before, from that morning. If I was upset, I found something, anything I could embrace in the moment, a blessing in what I was choosing to label wrong, bad.

I watched Moving Art/Louis Schwartzberg’s Gratitude video every single morning:

This simple practice of fostering gratitude changed my entire world view. I started to appreciate each thing in a new way, trying to look at each day as the one, the only, a special and unique blessing. Each person, each encounter are now greeted with a new sense of welcoming and curiosity in the new lessons for me to learn.

For this, I am grateful!

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Editor: Rachel Nussbaum

Photo: GH Cheng/Flickr


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