September 9, 2014

Full Moon Wisdom for the Waning Cycle. {Jyotish}


Full Moon is in Aquarius and Purvabhadrapada nakshatra on September 8th at 20:38 CDT.

Moon in Aquarius receives drishti from Venus and Sun in Leo, and also from Mars in Scorpio. The feeling you receive from the Moon may be both depth and pressure as well as increased creativity, curiosity and innovation at this time.

Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Rahu which can bring a dualism, a push and pull, as well as polarities.

This full Moon brings with it both a desire and a need to attend to our shadows, our haunts and our illusions. The coming waning cycle will be just that—an opportunity for us to face our demons and our challenges with new insights, possibilities as well as hope. This work may directly and indirectly connect to our lineage matters and the pieces that were forcing your attention/intention over the past waxing Moon cycle.

Be attentive to the matters of emotion and heart and look for symbols and messages that cross your path.

Purvabhadrapada is ruled by Ajaikapada, which often refers to a form of Shiva standing one leg- Nataraja, or lord of the dance. This form of Shiva connects to cycles and rhythms and the continual dance of life, while also being a reminder of sacrifice, penance and tapas.

The reminder here is balance—one foot grounding, supporting and rooting into the earth. The other foot lifted, poised for a step, ready for movement and change. As Aja is considered a Rudra, much strength is available here.

Strength to persevere, push through obstacles, work with great challenges and cast off evil. Often Purvabhadrapada and Ajaikapada can balance what seems impossible, while maintaining a sense of center and one-pointedness (which is why doctors often have this nakshatra prevalent in their birth charts). The symbol is the front portion of a funeral cot and connects this nakshatra to purification and the losses that are necessary to understand realms beyond the material plane of existence.

Use this waning cycle to bring presence to your path, your struggles and challenges. Honor yourself for your steps, your wisdom gained, and the many obstacles you have overcome. Work diligently to both honor your struggles and also reflect on the openings and progress also alive currently in your life. Look for possibilities, doors that are opening and steps you can take towards them. When you feel the burdens and the struggles overwhelming you, dance, walk, move. Work with themes of balance, steadiness, patience, one step at a time. Honor your feet and their wisdom.

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Editor: Renée Picard

Image: Imgur 



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