June 11, 2015

Dandelion Flower Patties. {Recipe}

dandelion patties

Dandelions have redeeming value as a nourishing food.

I grew up believing that dandelions were the scourge of the yard and garden.

Now my mind has been changed forever.

Through the grapevine, I heard that my herbalist friend Brigitte Mars makes dandelion patties.

Dandelion flowers have antioxidant qualities and support liver and gallbladder function.

I used her for inspiration and created my own dandelion patty recipe. Surprisingly delicious.

Dandelion Patties:

Dice and sauté 1 small onion and 2 cloves of garlic.


1 cup dandelion heads (freshly picked and washed)

½ cup cornmeal

¼ teaspoon baking soda

¼ teaspoon baking powder

½ teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon black pepper

½ cup water

sautéd onions and garlic

Form into 2 inch wide patties.

Fry in coconut oil on medium heat until brow on both sides.

Serve on a bed of brown rice or noodles.

yield: 6 patties


Dr. Christopher



Relephant read:

How to Make Yummy Homemade Chai.


Author: Ashleigh Hitchcock

Photo: courtesy of the author

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