Write on Elephant, Change our World.

Our “Ecosystem” makes it easy to Get your message out to thousands—& get paid.

Unlike Instagram or Facebook, Elephant is independent, and mission-driven—and despite having (slightly) fewer resources, we believe in paying our writers to offer quality to our readers.

Elephant was one of the first major sites to pay our best, consistent writers. But it was always hard to measure “best.” Now, we are introducing weekly payments to the top 10 articles on Elephant based on their Ecosystem Score—95% determined by our readers’ actions: reads, hearts, comments, shares, and 5% determined by our Editor’s Picks (so that mission balances popularity).

Note: When folks earn identical scores, we use the number of reads as the tiebreaker.

January 15th-21st Winners

#1 Céline Levy $300

Why you’re not Sexually Attracted to Many People.

#2 Matthew Busse $150

This quote from Martin Luther King Jr. is what we need to Heal America.

#3 Akanksha Bapna $108 Editor's Pick

No America, it is not the Time to Heal.

#4 Shanna Adams $108

Overcoming the Fire Swamp of Alcohol Addiction.

#5 Rebecka Eggers $75 Editor's Pick

Unveiling America’s Darkest “Secrets,” Hiding in Plain Sight.

#6 Kamila Jakubjakova $75 Editor's Pick

Is your Attachment Style Destroying your Relationships? {Quiz}

#7 Poorva Misra-Miller $75

It’s Time to Talk about the Eyelash-Batting Female Counterpart of Toxic Masculinity.

#8 Leah O'Daniel $50 Editor's Pick

7 Signs of Emotional Immaturity (that we Mistake for Narcissism).

#9 Annie Grace $50

5 Ways Judgment keeps us from Healing. ~ Annie Grace

#10 Elephant journal $50

The Flash Technique: A Way to Help us Heal from our Trauma.



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