June 28, 2010

What if we just close BP?

Courtesy JoeMohrToons.com

I love this cartoon by Joe Mohr, the man behind Mean Joe Green Cartoons. It says it all.

The blame game continues as oil continues to gush into the Gulf. And what about the other oil disasters that get buried deeper and deeper by other news and discussions about The Biggest Loser on Dancing with the Stars? We all feel depressed and helpless by the Deepwater Horizon disaster, frustrated–even insanely mad–about BP’s inability to stop the hemorrhaging and clean up the oozy mess before it’s classified as an out-of-control weapon of mass destruction.

Let’s shut down BP and put everyone responsible behind bars!

That would include us–mere citizens–as we continue to fill-er-up at the gas station. And shutting down BP would defeat the purpose–who the heck will fix the problem? I know, let’s take over BP and their profits, pay the affected citizens their due, restore the ocean and beaches and dump the remaining gazillion dollars into clean energy.

Since that’s probably not going to happen, what can we do beyond wringing our hands, bursting out in expletives and reducing our time behind the wheel?

Say NO to more of the world’s dirtiest oil
Tell Obama to stop offshore drilling
Urge President Obama to work with the Senate to pass comprehensive legislation that will lead America to a clean energy future.
Add your voice to the RepowerAmerica Wall in a historic call for clean energy
*  Reduce consumption of products containing petroleum (including, not limited to, bottled water, plastic, parafin candles, even many lotions and cosmetics contain petroleum based ingredients!)

What will it take for us to change our ways? Millions of gallons of oil bubbling into the very waters that provide us with food and enjoyment? Uh…. apparently not.

P.S. If you’re on twitter, follow Joe on twitter @GreenCartoons.

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