November 15, 2010

How Turkeys Are Killed.

“Almost all all the commercially raised turkeys in the U.S. are the product of artificial insemination. Selective breeding has left male turkeys with such large breasts that they are unable to have sex.” ~ Freakonomics

A turkey placed in the center of the table at Thanksgiving will highlight the tables of a lot of  American families this year, as it does every year. Before you buy that turkey for Thanksgiving, take a look at the life it most likely led before ending up in your shopping cart.

Luckily, I have found a video on YouTube that will expose the horrendous conditions and sadness that these chicks experience.  A warning must be issued, some of this footage is disturbing.

The Life Of a Factory Farmed Turkey


Inside a Turkey Breeding Facility:

The sad part here is the turkeys have been bred so big they cannot breed themselves. This causes a terrible reaction from the mother who just wants to nurse her eggs and leads to even more sadness.

After watching those videos, I hope your reconsider having  a turkey be the center piece of your meal, especially if there are 42 million eaten every Thanksgiving.  The New York Times has an excellent section that offers a cornucopia of options for a vegetarian but markedly seasonal Thanksgiving feast.

What do our Elephant readers do for Thanksgiving in lieu of the turkey?


The irony is hilarious for Palin, she pardons one turkey while others die during the interview.   A PR gaffe with a sad reality.  Remember that 42 million number?


Thank you to the Jaw Wired Shut blog for the feature image.

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