December 19, 2012

Could our feelings of loneliness this Christmas actually be a gift?

Photo: Ktoine

Are you experiencing pangs of guilt about not wanting to fall into step with the collective madness that we call Christmas, yet still have a deep yearning to belong?

I say you are not alone and what you are feeling it quite normal for someone on the spiritual path of truth.

There comes a time on our journey of growth when our innate actions are to create space. A clearing out of our old stock to make way for something new despite what is expected of us socially.

“If you plant two trees side by side, they will smoother each other. That which grows needs space.”

~ Anam Cara by John O’Donohue

But there is a precipice in this. A scary moment when we are left looking into the emptiness, the aloneness, the unknowing.

This is a crucial time. For we can easily be frightened of this space that we were once so crafted at filling. Running around, catching up with people just at that right moment so they will still like us. Fitted around a nine to fiver that we can dumb down so we have enough energy left over at the weekend to do the stuff we really want to do. Sound familiar?

So if this madness is no longer the tune we dance to that leaves a big empty dance floor staring straight back at us…

If we can sit with this moment and just let it be, we allow the universe to reward us for getting thus far.

Photo: gogoloopie

If instead of running to the stereo to try a different kind of beat, we can wait and listen for a more natural rhythm. And I assure you that if you allow it, the song the universe chooses to play will blow you away.

For it is so much wiser than we give it credit for. So much kinder. So much more abundant, and it’s at its most loudest when we can find it within to be at our most silent. Only then can we truly hear it speak.

“When a great moment knocks on the door of your life, it is often no louder than the beating of your heart and it is very easy to miss it.”  ~ Boris Pasternak

Feeling like a weirdo for not wanting to pursue the old? Feeling uninspired to partake in mundane chit chat, preferring to spend time alone rather than fraternize with the masses?

These are all signs you are ready to listen. Your hard work has brought you to this sacred moment. And as we say in Ireland, for the love of God, don’t miss it!

Instead just learn to be. No radio, no TV, no books, no Internet, no meditation. Sit and do nothing for a period of time each day. And that way you will catch it.

“You need not leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. You need not even listen, simply wait. You need not even wait, just learn to be quiet and still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked. It has no choice; it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.”

~ Franz Kafka

Then turn up the only volume that really counts all year round and let the wisdom of our universe guide you onwards to your own personal truth.

A person living their authentic truth actually becomes irresistible to others. The right people, the ones you want in your life won’t be able to get enough of you.



Ed: Brianna B.

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