June 19, 2013

9 Places to Find Affordable Art for Your Home. ~ Ava Morrison

Your home is an expression of your style, but it isn’t quite complete without some artwork.

You don’t have to shell out thousands of dollars for a Rembrandt or a Picasso. Instead, check out these nine places to find affordable art for your home.

9. Etsy: Where Possibilities Are Endless.

Etsy is an online store featuring unique artwork of different artists. You can easily find artwork that fits your style. With so many different artists, the possibilities are endless. The prices are also very reasonable since you buy directly from the artists.

8. Flea Markets: Where Treasures are at Negotiable Prices.

Flea markets are another place to take your search for artwork. The advantage is that you physically get to see what you are buying. Prices are also negotiable since you are directly dealing with the seller. Lately, flea markets are yielding some very nice treasures.

7. Estate Sales: Where That One Piece May Be Hiding

Estate sales are an opportunity for acquiring art at a decent price. Sure, not everything in the estate will be your aesthetic. But you could find that one piece that makes a room in your home perfect. Prices are often negotiable especially nearing the end of the sale.

6. Yard Sales: Where Creativity Meets Negotiable Prices

Yard sales are a good place to shop when on a budget. It might take a little creativity to see the art fitting into your home decor. But the negotiable prices are well worth at least a look. Catch neighborhood sales in order to get the most out of your time and gas.

5. Art Festivals: Where You Support Local Artists

Keep an eye for advertisements of art festivals in your area. Local artists take their artwork to the public for display and sales. If the artists are present, you can find the story behind the piece. Sometimes you can negotiate prices when the artists are present.

4. Online Art Galleries: Where You Peruse From Home

If there is not a show in your area, you can shift your search online. There are many online art galleries to peruse. If you have a favorite artist, this is a good way to look for new artwork that complements your window treatments. Look for sales and special offers to get the best price.

3. Craigslist: Where You Can Buy Affordably & Locally

Listings on Craigslist are a great place to check for artwork. Many times, these pieces are very affordable. Just take someone with you and meet in a very public setting for safety reasons when making deals on Craigslist.

2. Freecycle: Where Artwork is Free

Freecycle is a place where you can find artwork for free. People advertise pieces that they’re giving away. While you can’t beat the price, you’ll have to pick up the artwork. You’ll also probably have to clean the pieces up before displaying them.

1. Friends: Where Your Relationships Pay Off

If you have a particularly artistic friend, then ask them to create some unique pieces for your home. The advantage is that you have input into the art. You can also negotiate the type of payment with your friend. Although, your relationship could get a little touchy if you don’t like their art.

Finding affordable art is easy if you visit these places, and your artwork will be a reflection of your home’s personality. What cool pieces have you found for affordable prices?


Ava is a freelance writer and photographer exploring all things beautiful. When she isn’t working she is hiking, traveling and listening to good music.





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Ed: Kate Bartolotta

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