September 24, 2013

A Love Letter to YogaGlo. ~ Meredith Klein

Photo: GraceD

Editor’s note: I’ve offered to interview or publish a statement from YogaGlo’s pov. We are not about taking sides, particularly, but rather about sharing truth and in so doing serving the greater good. ~ Waylon

Relephant reads: YogaGlo aims to patent their style of filming a Yoga Class?


Dear YogaGlo,

I imagine you’re getting a lot of hate mail today following the news yesterday of the threat of legal action to one of your competitors.

Rest assured, this is not another angry letter, but rather a love letter.

I’ve loved YogaGlo since I first set foot in your Santa Monica studio five years ago. I’ve loved taking free classes at the studio since I moved to L.A. in 2010. I love the teachers you showcase and the variety of classes you offer. I love the clean looks of your videos. I’ve deeply appreciated things you’ve shared on Facebook. I loved the classes you sponsored at the Wisdom 2.0 conference in San Francisco in February.

There is no doubt that you fill a critical gap in providing top-rate yoga content from some of the most skilled instructors in the world, shot in an immaculate setting, to yogis worldwide who may not otherwise have access to it.

I’m grateful for what you do, and have referred friends, ex-colleagues and family members to subscribe to your site.

My first response to the news yesterday and your later response, was one of surprise and disgust. But upon seeing the continued discussion today, I am reminded that we all have moments where we lose clarity. We all get caught up in fear. That’s why so many of us come to yoga in the first place, right?

What I love about yoga is the space it provides to re-center, re-prioritize and re-align our energy. It seems to me your decision to make any threat of legal action to other online yoga broadcasters is one driven by fear. The yoga market is big, and it’s also fierce. As online broadcasting technology gets cheaper and more accessible, it makes sense that the number of competitors you face will expand rapidly. You’ve enjoyed a very comfortable spot in this marketplace, and I can understand your desire to remain at the top.

Every decision we make in life presents an opportunity to act from a place of love, rather than fear.

In this situation, it seems you’ve let fear get the better of you. What the yogic path gives us is clarity, the ability to see when we’ve strayed form the path of the heart, and let our interests get caught up in other things. You’ve made a poor decision in the eyes of many yogis, but we’re also a very forgiving bunch.

I can only speak for myself, but I suspect that many will honor your courage if you’re able to acknowledge that your actions were fear-driven, and take steps to re-align your business in a manner that promotes love, understanding and the basic yogic principles we all try to uphold.

What I’m encouraging you to do is exactly what yoga teachers remind us to do each time we practice—trust. Have the faith that your loyal students will stay with you because you offer something really and truly superb.

Know that even if every group yoga class video ever made going forward used your signature camera angle and studio set-up, your business will still thrive.

And, trust that if you issue an apology and rescind any legal actions against your competitors, those of us with a sour taste in our mouths following yesterday’s news will remember once again why we love you so much.

With love,


Like elephant yoga on Facebook.

Ed: Bryonie Wise

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Meredith Klein