September 25, 2013

One Breath. ~ Chrissie Keillor

I want to be one breath away from your lips.

I want to rest my head on your chest and get lost in the thump of your heartbeat forgetting my tragedy. The tragedy when my father was one breath away from his death.

I want to listen to our hearts in sync with each other. I want you to protect me since no one else can.
There’s this closeness that I require, I require being in your space. Being so far into your space that not even air can sneak between our bodies being one together.
And when we sleep, I require that you envelope me with your arms and your legs so that we get tangled up and entwined, always one breath away from your scent.
And when we wake up from our deep sleep, I will nuzzle my face in your neck to smell my favorite smell of the morning, and we will begin our day with one first kiss, a cup coffee and more closeness.
Our days will go on separately, at our own jobs doing separate things in our separate ways and we will have no idea that this will lead to our first breath alone.

And that this morning was the last time that I will be able to nuzzle your neck, and last night was the last night that I will ever be one breath away from your lips, your smell and your neck.

This is how I would like to spend my one last breath.


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Assistant Ed: Judith Andersson / Ed: Catherine Monkman

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