October 4, 2013

One Last Whiskey by the Fire. ~ Jillian Locke

Relax. Engage. Allow.

It’s amazing how quickly love and joy and friendship and play can usher in so much…allowing? An influx of good—when our energy changes, waves of abundance are allowed to rush and flow over us, and all we have to do is lean back, lean into it and let it support us and enjoy the filling up and the unfolding.

Enjoy everything the universe is sending to you—allow, and let the universal energies provide and flow through you.

Notice the ebbs and flows. Be grateful for the times you’re in a state of allowing and receiving, and when you are, give back as much as you can. Give thanks, share, laugh and play and love with those you love. Celebrate when you’re in tune, when you’re vibration is so high that all you pull towards you is more of that magic. Don’t put expectations or pressure on it—love and appreciate it for all it is. Swim in it, truly bathe and bask in the waves and whirlpools that caress and support and kiss every acre of your tingling skin.

Everything is changing, and it’s changing because we’re changing. The air is changing, the leaves are turning and floating and letting go. The ground is becoming a technicolor carpet of nature’s yearly fashion show, cushioning our step and adding a soundtrack of simultaneous crunching and soggy splashing to our footfall.

This time of year is so fleeting, yet so poignant. Just as nature begins to change and retreat, so do we. We begin to reflect on this past year, on everything we’ve done and now, look towards the last months and prepare for everything that we wish to birth and solidify. The days grow shorter—we wake up and go to bed in the dark. We hibernate.

Now is the time for the real work. To hunker down and get into it. Everything that we’ve been chasing with the setting sun of summer is going to sleep, leaving us to retreat and sit by the hearth with all those old ghosts we’ve been neglecting.

I’ve come to love old ghosts. They’re there for a reason, and the sooner we sit and sip a whiskey or two with them, the sooner we come to understand them, hear them, and work with them, the more peace we’ll find. All they are, are faded reflections of ourselves that desire just a little of our time to impart a few more gems of wisdom before they depart.

I think we owe them that; it’s akin to honoring our ancestors, because our old ghosts are really just ancient whispers of ours hearts and lives that have accompanied us, side by side, through one energetic cycle to the next. These faded whispers that we carry in our hearts just want one final conversation, one final whiskey by the fire, before they return home and leave us to our continued unfolding.

This is the time to sit, relax and lean back into all of the energy and effort we’ve put forth this year. By this time, I’d say most of us are a glorious combination of totally energized and completely spent. This year has raced by – I feel like I literally blinked and woke up in a new town, in a new bed, starting a new life. Emotions and ideas and actions clicked and un-clicked, and we took action on the stirrings and echoes in our hearts that we could no longer deny.

Heaviness was lifted and lightness took its place.

But we must always, always honor the heaviness, the darkness, the risks and leaps we take into the unknown and all the uncertainty and anxiety that ensues, because the way in which we emerge from these often terrifying and exhilarating journeys define us and set us up for all the light and possibility and endless opportunity and adventure that surely lies ahead…

Because it always does. Always. And it’s up to us to embrace it and make this life—our life—the most amazing adventure possible.

One of the first sure-fire ways of doing this is through honoring every step up to this point, reflecting on those steps and choices, where they’ve brought us, and of course, what we want to do with those lessons, experiences, treasures, joys, disappointments, victories and unknowns going forward.

“My meditation throughout the day was about leaning back into the cosmic…support that was surrounding me. I let myself sit in the beauty of arriving where I wanted to be.”

Danielle LaPorte

Make the rest of 2013 count. Sit with yourself and this year today and envision the abundance and love you wish to harvest during this last quarter.

And so it is.


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Ed: Bryonie Wise


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