April 12, 2016

Skin to Stem: 7 Waste-Less Recipes. {Partner}



This is a post written by Green Chef—an elephant partner. We’re honored to work with anyone who is this dedicated to conscious consumerism, protecting our environment, and eating delicious food. ~ Ed.


It can be overwhelming to think about how much food is wasted around the world…but let’s think about it for a minute.

About one-third of all food produced worldwide—that’s some 1.3 billion tons—goes to waste each year. In the U.S., we waste roughly 40% of the nation’s food supply, much of it at home: American families throw out approximately 25% of the food and beverages they buy.

All that tossed food means more than just squandered resources; it means greenhouse gas emissions. Lots of them. In fact, the decomposition of uneaten food accounts for about 23% of the U.S.’s emissions of methane, a greenhouse gas even more potent than carbon dioxide.

The good news: You can make a difference through everyday choices. And those choices can be delicious. Chances are, you’re throwing out pieces of produce that you could be using to add variety and depth of flavor to your dishes.

Here are 7 healthy recipes from Green Chef that utilize oft-overlooked assets of fruits, veggies, and herbs, from skin to stem.


1. Winter Buddha Bowl

Taste, don’t waste: Roasted delicata squash—peel and all.

01 Winter Harvest bowl


2. Paleo Piri-Piri Chicken

Taste, don’t waste: Collard greens stems, cooked along with the leaves in cumin-coriander coconut milk.

02 Piri-Piri Chicken


3. Quinoa-Stuffed Zucchini

Taste, don’t waste: Wilted mustard greens—stems and all.

03 Quinoa-Stuffed Zucchini


4. Jamaican BBQ Steak

Taste, don’t waste: Ginger-sautéed mustard green stems, served in cauliflower rice, alongside a fresh mustard green leaf salad.

04 Jamaican BBQ Steak


5. Thai Basil Tempeh Wraps

Taste, don’t waste: Cucumber spa water, for that extra cucumber.

05 Thai Basil Tempeh Wraps


6. Paleo Poached Shrimp “Cocktail”

Taste, don’t waste: Lemon zest and parsley stems, to season the shrimp’s poaching broth.

06 Poached Shrimp Cocktail


7. Red Thai Curry Tofu

Taste, don’t waste: The whole scallion—(the sharper, white section) roasted and (the milder, dark green section) as a fresh garnish.

07 Red Thai Curry Tofu


Another way you can cut down on waste: buying just what you need. Green Chef makes it easy to do so, by sending you nourishing recipes (like those above) and the exact amounts of ingredients you need to cook them.

Bonus: Choosing organic ingredients—like those Green Chef delivers—can also help minimize your greenhouse-gas footprint, as organic foods don’t generate the carbon emissions associated with the productions, transport, and use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.



Editor: Emily Bartran

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