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July 2, 2020


Spirituality is many things. First of all Spirituality is not being religious. Being Religious isn’t considered being holy or spiritual. Spirituality first is having a relationship with God or source. Spirituality transcends religion. I am a Christian by birth but love listening to Shiva mantras and I felt a deep love in my heart while doing this. This is an example that I’m showing you. Christians like to judge or shun and even scorn other religions and that’s ONE big issue in the universe. Christians tend to be really judgemental and so I respect my religion but I don’t let it become apart of my daily life by being religious. Christianity isn’t meant to be like this but because there are a lot more false preachers and evil people who now dominates the religion. Anyways back to spirituality. The first stage of spiritual awakening is finding God or source. Now here’s my definition of what God or source is: The God you believe in can be any God as long as you heal, as long as you do good, as long as you find yourself and your purpose. You’ll see the true and living God for yourself. He’ll make you whole and ccomplete, he’ll make you face challenges and overcome them. He’ll make you stronger and wiser and more importantly he’ll make you find love. Trust the process, its not easy but trust it.





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