January 13, 2009

Where can Developers & Contractors source Green Materials? [ReSource, who else?]

Dear elephant journal,

Is there someone or someones you would like to refer me to for green building materials? My boyfriend is building a million dollar house in xxxxx, and is looking for suppliers for everything from stucco to glass to resin walls. the house is going to be LEED certified, so the emphasis is on eco-friendly products. He’d love to find the materials as locally as possible, and i thought you’d be the perfect person to ask. You…social butterfly you.”

I responded to her with a few ideas. She replied:

“We’re looking for things like eco-friendly foundation sealer. And a ton of gypsum rock. You know, the not-so-pretty things. In bulk. 

if nobody comes to mind, don’t worry about it. we have sources, but they’re random people we found. Since the homeowner is spending so much money on these things, I would rather give the business to someone in the family, you know?” 

This is a general idea of what we’re looking for. But we do not negotiate with hippies!

  1. eco “drywall”
  2. spray insulation
  3. eco-resin like 3form
  4. concrete and wood stains
  5. nanogel (aerogel) 
  6. local timber
  7. stucco 
  8. polygal/thermogal

On a completely different note, i got into full mermaid in class the other day. Full Mermaid! With both hands behind my head! Nobody cares. In fact, I just get made fun of more. I thought maybe you would care. You’re the only one who even remotely knows what im talking about. 

Let us know your ideas and sources! I’d obviously recommend trying to reuse materials as much as possible—save lots of money, find really lovely unique stuff, tons of tile, lumber, doors, windows…most communities have one such as ours, called ReSource. But what about new stuff that’s simple and easy for contractors? Comment below and let us know, or forward to someone who might.

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