February 18, 2009

5280: “Looking for a Safe Peanut Butter?” Justin’s Nut Butter.

We’ve known and loved Justin’s Nut Butter for years. With the recent well-reported peanut butter recall, I was initially worried that underinformed shoppers would avoid Justin’s…but, instead…


Looking for a Safe Peanut Butter? Try Justin’s Nut Butter

Ever since the news broke that peanut butter from the Peanut Corp. of America was contaminated with salmonella, the childhood favorite has been pulled from shelves, banned from pantries, and largely vilified.

But the recall has meant a boost in business for Justin’s Nut Butter. Word is that the Boulder company–which makes its own peanut and almond butters on-site in Louisville, with only natural ingredients–has been flooded with orders (sales have increased between 10 to 15 percent every week since the outbreak) and investment money ($800,000 in the last couple of weeks).

“We continue to see record-breaking sales for our company and an incredible amount of support from retailers and consumers across the country,” says Justin Gold, founder…


…for the rest, go to 5280’s great blog, where you’ll also find posts on looming CSA sign-up deadlines and New Belgium, as well as a lot of politics, sports and nightlife. And, yeah, singles.


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