July 21, 2009

Rent it: The Molly Maguires, with Sean Connery.

A Movie Recommendation.

Coal. Dark, dangerous, deadly in your lungs, horrible for the natural and human environment—full of violence and corruption—it was and is our heritage, the fuel of our out-of-sight-out-of-mind yuppie lives.

Last night, with two dogs and one friend and a big hot local pizza, I watched this great, entertaining/enlightening movie based on a true, sad, remarkable story: Molly Maguires with Sean Connery, Richard Harris. Netflix it (or rent it locally, of course!).

A Cheesy TV Trailer:

Set in late 19th-century Pennsylvania, this gripping social drama tells the story of an undercover Pinkerton detective sent to a coal mining community to expose a secret society of Irish-American miners battling exploitation at the hand of the owners.

The group supposedly used terrorist tactics, including dynamiting trains and supplies of coal, to win better working conditions and wages for the oppressed miners.

Based on a true story of the workers’ struggle that took place in 1876, the film accurately portrays the rebellious leader of the Molly Maguires, and he will stop at nothing–even murder–to achieve social justice.

Amazing final scene:

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