August 19, 2009

I hate Spam (a lot)

Amazing one-time offer for elephant readers exclusive act now to get $4 billion out of Africa.

I received the below in my inbox, for the 8,000th time with only insignificant variations, just now. If we can send a man to the moon, if we can slice bread, if we can create Twitter, can we not figure out a way to make Spam, that time-sucker of precious human birth, illegal? Or is it, like porn, something impossible to define, even if an even an idiot (moi) knows it when he or she sees it?


I am Mr. Ted Mansour  writing to inform you of the desire to invest in your country on behalf of Major Midberry Chris who was a Captain under the United States Army serving with the 3rd Infantry Division Baghdad Iraq from 2002 – 2005.

Considering his very strategic and influential position within the United States military, he hopes that the project will be only between me, you and him as possible as you can; also wouldn’t want to disclose his identity at least for now, until the completion of the project transaction.

Hence our desire to have you as his agent abroad to protect and invest his funds in a profitable project; I have therefore been directed to investigate whether you would agree to act as a foreign agent in order to update this project transaction.

I will be expecting your reply so that I will give you more details on this project and let you know what is involved on this transaction and the commission/percentage that you will be entitle with upon the successful completion of this project. I will be sending you my direct phone number here in Asia which you will use in contacting me.

If you can handle this, then you can come back to me via email. (XXXXXXXXXXX email deleted ~ed)

Best Regards.

Ted Mansour.

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