December 2, 2009

TED Talks: 10 Things you don’t know about Orgasms.

“Mary Roach reveals some crazy facts about orgasms in humans and in animals. Seriously though who would have thought that when women have orgasms it can give them bad breath after an hour or so? Seriously who studies this stuff?”

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Orgasm


From TIME Magazine: 

Shocking Sex Facts:

1. Cycles of light affect our fertility. “Women used to menstruate during the new moon (when it’s dark at night) and ovulate during a full moon (when it’s light). Now, in a world full of artificial lighting and bright screens, women are not as in tune with the connection between their biology and nature.”

2. Women can get pregnant five to eight days after having sex.

3. Wearing high heels can negatively affect a woman’s orgasm (because the arch in your feet causes your pelvic floor to contract, and therefore your muscles can’t contract further during orgasm).

4. Orgasms can make women more creative, productive and confident.

5. Birth control pills dampen the libido.

6.  Sitting in chairs can arouse women (because it presses your pudendal nerves in a certain way).

11. Being well hydrated leads to better orgasms.

12. All woman can achieve orgasm.

And more, from TIME.

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