January 8, 2010

“There is more to life than increasing its speed.” ~ Gandhi.

More to Life

by Peggy Markel

We try to engage, so as to keep up. But what are we missing by doing so?

Even sitting still…eyes closed, our minds race a million miles an hour.

Eyes open, we take in a barrage of images that stir our minds and emotions. Must do’s rule our lives.

What does “more to life than rushing around” mean?

Today I am sitting at my desk. I’m watching it snow. Eyes open, sitting still, I can focus on the flakes falling. They evoke a cleansing stillness and quiet. I can hear my thoughts unraveling at a more manageable audio. I can feel the texture of the snow, even though I am not touching it. My emotions ride the waves of “the genuine heart of sadness” on this winter day.

The soft spot of deep feeling.

The only way to relax with yourself is to open your heart. Then you have a chance to see who you are. This experience is like opening a parachute. When you jump out of an airplane and open the chute, you are there in the sky by yourself. Sometimes it’s very frightening, but on the other hand, when you take this step, the whole situation, the whole journey, makes sense. You discover something in yourself that is basically good, wholesome and worthwhile.

Pema Chodron writes so much about facing ourselves. This is what happens when we slow down.

“More to life” means that we can listen to what we need. Feel what we are feeling. Appreciate the preciousness of each day. What we think may be painful is actually quite delightful. Making space for it is a choice.

In the midst of a myriad of responsibilities, I am taking the time to watch it snow, fix a bowl of warming buckwheat noodles and vegetables, and write. Thank you, Gandhi, for the reminder.


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