February 10, 2010

Can you recommend any natural cough suppressants for a child?

A longtime virtual pal o’ mine, Leif, recently asked the following on Facebook. I figured it’d be helpful to others, out there. The answers he received, thus far.

Leif: Can you recommend any natural cough suppressants appropriate for a 3 year-old?

Tea, brandy, honey

Thanks, Mike. I’ve gotten recommendations ranging from a spoonful of honey to a shot of bourbon. I think we’ll start with the light stuff and save the big guns for the wee hours, should he need it.

My mother always gave me spoons of honey, even before the Mayo Clinic said it was a good idea.

Andrew Fynn:
warm some raw milk, if you can get it, with honey and cinnamon, until the honey is melted, and before the milk starts to steam.

Anita M. Burke
honey and lemon
Karyn Strickler

Honey and lemon is good, but you also have to ask if it’s appropriate to suppress the cough. If it’s not interfering with sleep, you might not. We sometimes forget that our bodies do these things to fight what is affecting us and sometimes we have to let our body do its job.
Loquat syrup (often sold mixed with honey)
My kids don’t mind fresh ginger tea with honey. I have them sleep sitting up a little to help supress the cough reflex. Good luck, Leif.

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