February 1, 2010

Windhorse Farm: Eco-Responsible Solutions.

Now that’s Green: a Farmers’ Market/CSA solution.

I always wish I could give my pizza boxes back to the pizza delivery man—that I could have a cubby with my name on it and cardboard box in there, and go through one such a year instead of, say, 20 a year. Same with egg cartons, why not?

Just got this email in my inbox:

We need your empty egg cartons so that we can bring more Windhorse Farm eggs to the Halifax Shambhala Centre for your cracking pleasure. Please put them in the cloakroom. We’ll pick ’em up every week.

These eggs are from insightful chickens who eat delicious nutritious oat sprouts, table scraps, worms, insects, and a mixture of cracked whole grains. You’ll love eating their eggs, and they don’t mind, but we can’t bring them to you unless you drop your empty egg cartons off for us in the cloakroom at the Halifax Shambhala Centre.


Jim and Margaret Drescher

Jim Drescher
[email protected]

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