March 14, 2010

Should Yoga Teachers form a Union?

Happy Ending to a Sad Affair: Annie Carpenter, senior Yoga Teacher at YogaWorks, will Finish one last Teacher Training.

Update via Facebook: Wonderful news, YogaWorks is going to allow Annie to finish her teacher training. From YW on FB:

For anyone in this 200 hour program please come this evening. There will be an open session dedicated to discussing your concerns. In person will be a much better forum than facebook and emails to answer all your questions. Thank You.

We don’t know much. Word on the street, from my Yogi Deepthroat source:

I was just told that Annie Carpenter (top teacher at YogaWorks) had put her notice in at Yoga Works a few months ago,

yesterday, she was fired on the spot in the middle of a teacher training that she was leading…..

this happened around 24 hours ago….

you should write this story as an indictment of the current status of yoga teachers

no health insurance

no job security

no ownership no power

write it as a call to action

it’s time for yoga to form a


Imagine if ALL of the YogaWorks teachers went on strike?

When a senior, well-respected teacher is disrespected, it’s sad and bad for our kula, community, sangha. That said, it must be a loss for YogaWorks to lose a senior teacher to a rivla studio, Exhale, and we have little information. If you have info, please leave in comments. Please be respectful, with good intention, toward all concerned.

From Annie’s web site:

Big News!!!
After 14 years, I’ll be leaving YogaWorks.
You can find me at Exhale Center for Sacred Movement!
Check schedule page for classes, and workshop page for workshops and info about my July 200 hour Teacher Training.
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