April 7, 2010

“Abortion is green.” Comedy (sorta) via Doug Stanhope.

“Doug Stanhope comes out against the front hole in episode 4 of Charlie Brooker’s Newswipe Series 2…”

“I’m Doug Stanhope and that’s why I drink.”

Since, lately, I’m getting my butt kicked for daring to attack an anti-environmentalism-diatribes by a popular liberal comedian, this video (sent to me by friend Alex) is timely.

It’s rude, a little funny, a lot true (condoms are about as green as eco-responsible gets) and entirely missing the point (what’s the point, you ask? Overpopulation does seem to be abating, studies show).

Noting that dying is green or not having children is green or not owning dogs is green is missing the point. We’re here on this planet to live, laugh, love, learn. Green is not “doing nothing.” Green is living responsibly, in harmony with our environment, our brothers and sisters, animals, even hard-drinking comedians like our friend Stanhope. Cheers:

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