April 25, 2010


Dolce Grabbonya.


Perfume ad or Gangbang as sexual allure?

It’s the kind of ad that makes coming on inappropriately to our sisters and daughters and friends seem…alluring.

The men watching, the hand pushing her arm down—this ad goes beyond sexual, beyond objectification…and dangerously close to hinting at rape.

With anti-kudos to the above, and kudos for the tip to my new favorite site of the moment, A Little Honey.

A few other badads via Feministing and friends:

Interestingly, both of the above ads come not via heterosexual patriarchy, but via gay men—D & G, at top, Tom Ford’s cologne, above left. That point and others are noted here. It gets even less subtle with Tom Ford crotch ads—too…ew to show here (click at your own peril).

Kinda makes you miss the good old days, when ads had some real romance, style, and beauty. And mystery.

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