April 25, 2010

June 17.


Get your name, business or favorite cause on the bottom of every page of elephantjournal.com for $9/month

See very bottom of this page to see who’s already joined.

Why become an elephant by June 17?

Click here to join our Grassroots Network that will enable us to stay in business, our editorial content to improve and to become truly independent for the first time.

“Become an elephant’ by June 17—it’s grassroots, independent sustainability or bust for elephantjournal.com + Walk the Talk Show. If you don’t have any cash, you can still ‘become an Ambassador’ by spreading the word to three new elephants.


Please consider helping—the money doesn’t go to me (WL) but

> 1/3 to our beginning to pay writers for quality content,

> 1/3 operations,

> 1/3 staff.

I will be paid by ads. Our loan runs out June 17. If we have a foundation of support by then (our breakeven point is 10,000 a month, we’re already at 1500) by then, we’ll continue. If not, well, we’ll stay positive for now (if we do fail, no one will be charged after July 1st).

If you support, we support back by giving name on bottom of every page of our site. You can donate your link to a good cause of your choice, or link your business, or twitter page, or Facebook Page. Only $9/month, and the company we’re going through (not Paypal) is competitive, local, independent, and gives a percentage to good causes as well.

As Treehugger said in their Earth Day shoutout to elephant (they featured WL along with 20 other leading green media types, asking if Earth Day still matters)…

Sustainability or bust!

Click to join:

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Waylon Lewis  |  Contribution: 1,676,205