May 30, 2010

Light Pollution: do we Look at the Heavens, anymore?

Bonus: “Picture from the suburbs in Toronto, Canada during and after a major power outage in 2003.(i.imgur.com)


Now, we Switch off the Sky.

Since the beginning of human history man and woman and particularly child have gazed into the night sky, and thought of the Gods or the Heavens and our small, yet powerful place in the spinnings of this precious universe.

The night time sky is one of the most beautiful and profound sights known to man. Deep and endlessly vast and black, not flat and gray as it appears now.

Now, we do not remember our place, our magical yet humble place. We watch movies.

Every summer, as a child, I’ve gone to Vermont or the mountains of Colorado, and I always enjoyed the big sky. No buildings crowding the horizon by day. No lights crowding out the infinity of “up” by night. Now, I watch movies.


Click image below for “9 Quotes about the Universe.”

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