June 29, 2010

Lululemon founder Chip Wilson on yoga + business.

Photo: NASDAQ.

We’ve come to be fans of Lululemon, after a rocky start. I wish they’d get greener, more eco-responsible through and through…but they’re doing a lot right, from killer advertising to popular fits and a cheery, outgoing attitude that permeates their thus-far successful growth as a company that’s proving yoga means business.

The importance of goals:

From snowboarding to getting rid of clingy cotton to living in the moment to how drugs or alcohol aren’t actually about escape…

Google Tech Talks
February, 28 2008


1) What yoga means to lululemon

2) Original intent and philosophy of lululemon.

3) How lulu is handling growth

Speaker: Chip Wilson
Chip Wilson is a passionate entrepreneur and visionary who is best known for his creation of lululemon athletica. Chip founded the dynamic, yoga-inspired athletic apparel company in 1998 with the mission to provide people with components to live longer, healthier and more fun lives.

As founder and Chief Product Developer of lululemon athletica, Chip influences all areas of the company. Headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia, lululemon manufactures, distributes, and retails its products in over 35 stores across North America and internationally.

Chip holds a BA in Economics from the University of Calgary. In 2004, he was named Canadian Entrepreneur of the Year for Innovation and Marketing by Ernst & Young.

Chip maintains a healthy and active lifestyle with a regular exercise routine that consists of hiking the Grouse Grind, a local mountain, three times a week and seeing a personal trainer at least twice a week. Other interests include reading and staying apprised of new and emerging athletics.

Chip’s greatest accomplishment is his family. He is the proud father of five boys and is happily married to his wife Shannon.

In the fourth video [for others, search Chip Wilson on youtube], Chip tells us about his youth as a competitive swimmer, and wonders whether the time trial goals that he set for his seasons were ambitious enough. He continues through his life story to the end of Westbeach when, faced with retirement, he turns around and starts lululemon with renewed enthusiasm for the process of goal setting.

He finishes by expressing his ultimate goal of putting as many people as possible through lululemon’s training for personal responsibility and goal setting.

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