June 30, 2010

Venti Decaf Iced Coffee, Light Ice Please. ~ Sharon Marrama


Smile…It’s good for you.

Here is one crazy day that I recently had.  I was running trying to get everything that I needed to get done in a handful of hours.  I wanted it to all just stop. I was feeling a bit un-nerved that day, fully realizing that I had taken on a bit more than usual.  On the agenda was the post office, the day before the line was longer than usual and I watched as others grunted, making negative gestures and comments. 

I recall realizing at that point that I did not want to be the toe tapper in line at the post office as the person before me applies for a passport or that sour puss at the bank as the person ahead of me asks for $500.00 in travelers check, all in twenties. 

As we become distracted in life it can become more complicated and increasingly difficult to be someone that others want to be around.  I had made a concerted effort my whole life to be that someone and I am proud of this quality. This is when I decided there would be no more top tapping. 

So that day as I entered the bank with a long line as usual, I did not let it bother me.


Once the deposit was completed, I stepped next door into the cleaners, there were three people ahead of me and Mrs. Smith could not find her ticket.


Another chore done.

Up next the post office, yes passport ahead of me again.


All chores completed, alas it is coffee time. The timing could not have been more perfect. When I ordered my daily coffee a Venti Decaf Iced Coffee, Light Ice, the barista commented, “you always have a smile on your face.”

Thank you my barista for making me feel like me again.

 Sharon Marrama was born in the Boston suburb of Woburn, Massachusetts in 1957.  As the first of five children, Sharon quickly learned to become a leader, mediator and communicator. Aside from family commitments and the joy of spending quality time with her grandson Connor, Sharon is dedicated to the following goals: enhancing her writing skills as she prepares to write a book, developing her yoga practice, and finishing her college degree. Sharon’s long term goals include preserving balance in her daily life, maintaining a healthy mind-body-spirit, and living a fulfilled life.  To learn more about Sharon and her passions, visit her website.

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