June 10, 2010

Wax your forest without hurting our planet. ~ Katie Feldhaus

Keep your bikini line clean with an environmentally-friendly wax job!

“Just because you may want to do some bikini line-cleaning down there doesn’t mean you have to hurt the environment doing it.”

With the summer days heating up you want to look your best when you are poolside in your bikini.

But even if you have a rockin’ bikini bod, there’s always that bikini line issue you gotta deal with. But just because you may need to do some spring-cleaning down there doesn’t mean you have to hurt the environment doing it. There are many eco-responsible waxing treatments that can help you stay green while trying to look clean.

Soy wax is a prominent player. It’s a renewable wax source that is less painful and tender on the skin. Soy-based wax is just as effective as other waxing products, but is easier on sensitive skin and natural. Satin smooth organic soy wax contains soybeans, honey, chamomile, palm oil and rapeseed oil—all great for a non-irritating waxing experience.

Organic wax is a great alternative to chemically enhanced wax that is frequently used at spas, and is being put on our bodies (pretty close to home when it comes to bikini waxes) which can be scary when you think about the unknown crap that could be creeping into your intimate areas. With organic wax we are at ease, not exposing our lady bits to artificial ingredients and toxic chemicals. Many environmentally-conscious spas have converted to organic wax over other non-organic options.

Photos: Deux Fm, among our favorite eco fashion lines on the planet.

Our friends over at Planet Green have provided examples of places throughout the U.S. that offer treatments that are less painful for you and less damaging to the environment. Located in Florida, California and New York, Uni. K. Wax Centers offer hair removal using wax created from pine sap, beeswax and aloe vera. This special blend of herbal wax that allows for a faster and greener hair removal process as the wax is poured on and removes hair without the use of wasteful, painful paper.

If you want to steer clear of wax entirely, Moom is an effective organic hair removal product that is rapidly replacing your typical at-home hair removers. A combination of cane sugar, lemon juice, chamomile, tea tree oil (all organic) and water, it’s easier and less painful on the skin than wax. The fabric applicator strips, made from poly-cotton stock, are washable and reusable!

And here are a few more simple at-home body sugar recipes for at home hair removal.

Done? Here’s some eco-conscious bikinis you can wear to show off your new environmentally-friendly wax job!

Katie Feldhaus is a News & Editorial Journalism student at the University of Colorado at Boulder and is an editorial intern at elephantjournal.com. She is currently living in Boulder and is a Colorado native, who loves being active and doing anything outside.

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