July 17, 2010

Container Principle. {Buddhism + 3OH!3}

C’mon Ladies, sing it!


When you have a really lame crowd, wear mustaches & tuxedo vest, gesticulate, jump &…just have fun.

Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche used to say that if the setting wasn’t right—if there wasn’t a strong, healthy “container”—he couldn’t teach the Buddhadharma.

It’s a subtle but profound point: if you’re trying to put on a talk show, as we do regularly, or perform a song that’s sold millions, as 3OH!3 did, above—you’re vulnerable to the crowd, the entrances, distractions, lighting, everything.

You’ve got to first create sacred space, then rock it.

And if you find you don’t have the space, or things are going wrong—the mic isn’t loud enough, a door keeps slamming in the background, folks are drunk, blabbing, ignoring the stage…you just have to pull it in, enjoy the situation yourself, create your own, invisible, personal container.

And I think 3OH!3, the anthem machines that hail from Boulder, Colorado, did pretty damn well at that, above.

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