July 6, 2010

The Magazine Business, circa 1956. Video:

Used to be, you went through literally 5,000 steps in order to get the good word out to the masses. I should know. I published a magazine from 2002 through 2009, and though it made good money, it was so energy and resource-inefficient I couldn’t in good conscience continue to grow it nationally, being that our mission has something to do with environmental responsibility, with doing well and doing good.

Now, all you do this what I’m doing now—tap out your words, then click:

Just watched this in the tub yesterday…and really, really missed publishing a magazine.


As you can guess.

After watching this wonderfully detailed, inspiring video…while craftsmanship, journalism and illustration have suffered with new media, the facility with which we can now share news and issues and thoughts with the world—literally, the whole wide world—is nearly magical. Compared with what you see in this video, the world wide web has indeed given superpowers to the average writer and journalist.

Will we choose to use this newfound power for the benefit of all, and the exposure of the corrupt? Or will we choose to exploit social and new media merely for facile gossip and echo-chamber “journalism”? Time will tell.

Enjoy (I did):

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