July 26, 2010

Urban Assault Ride!

Bicycle-obstacle course-treasure hunt mayhem on the streets of Denver!

The Urban Assault ride is all about celebrating bikes…and beer!

I’m a huge fan of New Belgium, not just because I love their beer, but because they care about our little planet.  Bicycles have become as much of their business as their tasty beer.

This was my first year participating and it was amazing!  The idea is to hit different check points all over Denver in the least amount of time.  Each team of two chooses their own route and following traffic rules is mandatory.  We ended up riding about 25 miles through the street of Denver, competing in goofy obstacle courses (paperboy challenge, human Polo, Roller coasters, rubber duckies, big wheels) and it all ended off with a big party…and yes there was lots of beer.

Here’s a look at this year’s race in Denver…they also put on these funky events in 12 other cities around the country.

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