August 6, 2010

Aitken Roshi, Deep Bow.

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Via Phil Bralich:

I am sure there will be an official announcement soon, but many would like to know that Aitken Roshi, renowned American Zen teacher, passed at 5 am this morning Hawaii time.  He was in his 90’s.

Here is one of the koans from one of his latest books.

That evening Owl said, “I’m still thinking about our experience at the Little Church in the Grotto.  Can a Buddhist be Christian?”
Raven said: “Love thy neighbor.”
Owl asked:  “Can a Christian be a Buddhist?”
Raven said:  “There are lots of them.”
Owl asked:  “Aren’t you bypassing a conflict in metaphysics?”
Raven asked:  “What has metaphysics got to do with it?”
Owl asked:  “What is the antecedent of it?”
Raven said:  “Good move owl.”
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