August 9, 2010

Great. My family is part of a chemical experiment.

Do you know what toxins are in your food, water and… blood?

We’re exposed to chemicals every day. Babies are born pre-polluted with hundreds of them:

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) tested the umbilical cord blood of 10 newborn babies and found nearly 300 chemicals, including BPA, fire retardants, lead, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and pesticides that were banned more than 30 years ago.

Does this make us all part of some crazy chemical experiment? How can we keep ourselves and our families healthy and safe?

Take a look at Toxic Soup. This documentary film shares the story of everyday folks fighting to keep their water, air and blood (yes, blood) safe from pollution. Check out this clip:

And another film, Unacceptable Levels

Some Facts You May Not Want To Know…

Every day in America a total of 42 billion pounds of chemicals are produced or imported for commercial and industrial uses. Of that, over 62,000 chemicals were “grandfathered” into commerce as part of the Toxic Substances Control Act without testing their impact on public health or the environment.

Currently, the government must prove that a chemical is harmful before it can be withdrawn from the market, a costly and time-consuming process that the EPA bears alone.

“Consequently, the EPA has used its authority to require testing for fewer than 200 of the 62,000 chemicals in commerce,” reports John Stephenson of the Government Accountability Office.

What chemicals are pumping through my veins? What can I do about it?

Some people I know say whatever our destiny is, is. Or that God has control of the situation. I say I’m not going to step in front of a fast moving truck. I’ll avoid toxic chemicals when I can. How? By choosing non-toxic household products, safe cosmetics (luckily I don’t wear much make-up, but this applies to skin care products, shampoos, soap, etc.), non-processed foods and not smoking, to name a just few.

Take action for safe chemicals…

Sign EWG’s kids safe chemicals act petition to demand that Congress take action to make chemicals in consumer products kid-safe.

Learn more about Toxic Soup…

Learn more about Unacceptable Levels…

More eye-opening films:

What are your fave eco docu films?

Have you ever been abducted by aliens? (just kidding).

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