August 27, 2010

Pema Chodron: Don’t Give Up On Yourself.

We’re all in the same boat. If you can’t see the goodness in someone else, you can’t see it in yourself.

Come back to our gentle, brave heart. Trust our basic sanity—don’t confuse who we are with our aggression, ignorance or confusion.

Another timely teaching from Pema Chodron, Buddhist teacher, bestselling author, and big schweetey.


By developing unconditional friendship with ourselves, we learn to abide with our own energy and overcome fear of that which is unfamiliar. In doing so, we also see our “sameness” with others, that we are all in the same boat. Practicing this further, we develop the unconditional ability to stand in others’ shoes, not causing harm, and opening our hearts for others. Excerpted from talk 2 of Pema Chodron’s weekend retreat, A131: All in the Same Boat, May 2008. From Great Path Tapes and Books. [email protected]. These talks are also available on audio CD and MP3 CD.

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