August 27, 2010

TV Like: Friday Night Lights.

The NY Times puts it well: Friday Night Lights is a quality TV series about football, Texas and high school for people who didn’t know they cared about football, Texas or high school. I watched a few seasons via Netflix recently as down time before bed, and was hooked.

Highlight of the show, perhaps, is the relationship between the husband (the coach) and the wife (the counselor, then principal, then…). It’s rare enough to see an adult couple in love in real life—let alone in the movies or TV, when love stories end just after they begin, with a “and they lived happily ever after” happy ending.

Not so in Friday Night Lights, where the couple is the hub of the show—their love, their bickering, their conversations and naggings are a rare, healthy example of how to be in a mature, loving, fun yet serious relationship.

And if that don’t do it for you, ladies (and somma you gents), Taylor Kitsch is as charismatic as he is, well…

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