September 19, 2010

Krishna Das: Top Videos. {He’ll be at Yoga Journal Conference in Estes Park!}

The Jewish Cowboy Yogi.

With a voice to rival Waylon Jennings, the Voice of Country himself, KD brings gravitas to what otherwise might be a bunch of blissed out hippies diggin’ kirtan. Shambo Sadaa Shiva!

I remember our having to review hundreds of CDs a year back in our days as a magazine. I got jaded. Then, one day, in my apartment, this song came on—and the part of me that loves crooning, a good cowboy song, perked up. [I interviewed him, featured him in elephant magazine a bit later on—we’ll get that interview up on this site, one of these days]

What a voice:

Did I miss your favorite video? There’s a ton out there—let me know in comments, and if you get a few I’ll second that‘s I’ll add it in below.

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