September 20, 2010

Review: Organic Candies for Organic Kiddies.

Candy steps it up health-wise.

Try Hillside Candy’s Go Naturally Organic Hard Candies. They’re USDA Certified Organic, gluten free, and kosher. The packaging is all recyclable (though not made from recycled material—bummer, but what candy company’s packaging is?). What makes them organic–well the candies have no artificial colors or flavors, no chemicals, dyes, no pesticides, no cholesterol.

And best of all they actually taste good.

According to their website the candies are made with evaporated cane sugar and organic brown rice sugar. Go Naturally Organic comes in six different flavors: apple, cherry, ginger, honey, honey lemon and pomegranate.

Grandma Approves

The fruit flavors aren’t as strong as the sweetness but they’re still tasty—sort of reminiscent of what grandma used to sneak me when my mom wasn’t looking. Standard hard candy yet with a guilt-free pleasure.

The product along with the company’s other candy lines, Go Lightly Sugar Free and Hillside Sweets are available in most stores, but check out Hillside Candy’s website for more information.

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