September 16, 2010

Tell Obama to Stop Frankenfish!

Photo: irishtimes.com

Yet another reason to go vegan. Watch this.

How you can help…

  1. Send a letter via Food & Watch! Easy!!
  2. Share this post far and wide!
  3. Call the Obama Administration directly at 202-456-1111. Tell them your name, where you’re from, and then simply ask that President Obama direct the FDA not to approve genetically engineered salmon.

What you wanted to know about genetically engineered fish, but were afraid to ask…

The biotechnology industry has genetically engineered (GE) a fish that grows at twice the normal rate, so it can get to market sooner and make more money, faster. If approved, this GE salmon would be the first “transgenic” animal allowed into our food supply.

The FDA doesn’t even do its own testing of genetically engineered animals: it relies on information provided by the company that wants approval. (I find that very comforting).

Since GE salmon are being considered as a new animal drug, the process isn’t focused on what happens to people who eat GE animals. So on top of the health concerns posed by raising salmon in crowded factory fish farms that rely on antibiotics and other chemicals, the FDA could be adding the unknown risks of GE salmon to the mix.

The FDA is the same agency in charge of overseeing the egg industry, and we see how well they’ve done that job. The FDA does not have the capacity to ensure the safety of food that is not genetically engineered so they certainly should not be in charge of allowing the first GE animal into our food supply.

Labeling is unlikely, so you might not even know you’re eating it.

Read Food & Water Watch’s September 9, 2010 press release.

Read about FDA committee meeting and public hearing to consider product safety, effectiveness and environmental benefits of GE salmon in this biotech.org article.

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