October 15, 2010

Hipster Harry Potter.

Bonus: there finally is gonna be a whole new movie from JK Rowling and the Harry Potter universe: here’s the trailer.


“Oh Hipster Potter, will you magically mend my fixie?”

Hipster Potter and the Philosophers Stoned”

“Hipster Potter and the Chamber of Underground Music”

“Hipster Potter and the Goblet of PBR”

“Hipster Potter and the Order of the Flannel”

“Hipster Potter and the You’ve Probably Never Heard of It”

What titles do you dig, hepcat?

I came up with Hipster Potter and the rare jazz album on vinyl, but was stretching for some true hipsterdom—you know, poetry, Beats, more jazz, some Buddhism, meditation, hitchhiking, rebellion, individualism, independence, eco-mindedness.

Leave any ideers in comments below? ~ WL

Original artwork source: Marika Art.

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