October 25, 2010

How to Satisfy Your Moment. ~ Eve Eliot

Can we marry this moment?

Notice where you are right now—where you are in space.  Don’t linger on whatever it is you may be longing for.  Whether you are sitting, standing or lying down, notice the weight of your body pressing down upon the surface which you are resting.

That which you are longing will find you somewhere in space, on a surface.  What is it about this moment—this right now—that falls short of fulfilling your longing.

Many stories of discontent may arise in your mind in response to this question.  This unsatisfying moment.

We are in bodies for such a short time. Let this reality penetrate your awareness. We are in bodies for such a relatively short time.

Can you allow yourself to consider the full acceptance of this moment as satisfying the criteria for complete fulfillment?

If we do not live long enough to reach that moment of perfect satisfaction can we settle in, for now, feeling the weight of our bodies wherever we are and considering the full acceptance of this moment?

Can we become engaged to this moment?

Can we marry this moment? Consider. Ask.

Are you willing to marry this moment, to cherish this moment in sickness and in health, in poverty and in abundance, in the embrace of loved ones or feeling entirely alone?  Are you willing to marry this moment, this very moment now while forsaking all other moments past and moments to come.  Can you fully rest in this moment?

Breathe and ask. Settle and know that your heart can feel at peace in this very  moment when you fully choose to be in it.  With the weight of your body, this body, choosing. Then with the rhythm of the breath, this very breath, choosing now.  With the circumstances surrounding you, right here and now, you can marry this very moment.

Eve Elliot is a psychotherapist, yoga and meditation teacher. She’s authored five CDs  and several books, including, Attention Shoppers! The Woman’s Guide to Enlightenment Through Shopping.

She’s been interviewed over 60 times for TV, magazines, and newspapers including The Boston Globe and has been a sought after expert in the field of eating disorders.

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