October 29, 2010

Vote elephant, Waylon Lewis: Westword Social Media Awards.

elephant journal & founder, editor-in-chief Waylon Lewis for 2010 Westword Web Awards?

Our Twitter twittage saved our business in our transition for national print magazine to web site. Our Facebook Page is the cornerstone of our soaring readership numbers.

Help us win this high-profile award: a powerful way to get our mindful, indie media message out to a whole new crowd.

You can vote in as many categories as seem applicable (we’d love to win category #20, #32 or #36). All you have to do is paste our URL http://www.elephantjournal.com into their form fields.

We’ve already won #1 for Twitter in US for Green content, 2010, from national Shorty Awards. But Westword is local—huge—and cool. We love ’em. Facebook sends us more traffic than Google—and we have more FB fans than major national media brands, like, say, Gawker. Twitter saved our business, connecting us intimately with the national, local and universal network of mindful lifers. If inspired to vote for us,

> Vote: Click Here <


“Waylon Lewis”

Waylon Lewis / http://www.twitter.com/elephantjournal

…it takes 10 seconds. We’d love to win in one of these categories, either for Waylon as individual or elephant as a business. It’d be a high-profile way of getting our mindful, indie media message out to a whole new crowd.

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